
Art quilt
21.5"h x 19"w

Ree Nancarrow

created in response to Tattler Creek
composed by Dawn Sonntag

I love the Tattler Creek area of Denali National Park.  This composition evoked memories of perfect days spent hiking there in the past.  I printed mountains and open hillsides on one fabric, and printed a second one with flowing blue lines on a teal background.   I cut both of fabrics into vertical strips and alternated them.  The juxtaposition of these two fabrics with differing line qualities express the musical notes and energy suggested by the music.

The flowing channels of Tattler Creek represent the deep tones of the cello.  One channel of the creek on the right is broken into sections, representing a short musical section of plucked strings toward the end of the piece.  French knots suggest musical themes in the piece.  They are spots of color representing tiny flowers in the tundra.