Composing in the Wilderness - 2017
““Composing In The Wilderness is a life-changing event no matter who you are.””
““At Composing in the Wilderness, I am my truest self, both as a composer and as a person” ”
excerpts of the pieces:
““I signed up for this trip with a certain set of expectations; it shattered all of them. Even though I had previously lived in Alaska for three years, I saw it in an entirely new light. This experience was intense and immersive and exceptionally awe-inspiring. I felt a renewed love for composing my feelings, discovered a new love for hiking, and received an unexpected love from the people. My God, the people. Of all things, I did not expect to join a little family - but I did.””
The nine works the composers created in 2017 became the inspiration for 18 wonderful pieces of art by some of Alaska's most talented artists. Take a look!
- Unexpectedly having a visit from NASA.
- Discovering JUST HOW GOOD our chefs at Coal Creek were.
- Perfect river-crossing form.
- Posing as Santa's team of reindeer.
- The "Elements" artists and their amazing vision for what to do with the final compositions.