David John Lang
"Composing in the Wilderness took me out of myself and opened me up to listen – really listen – to the world around me in whole new way. One year on and I'm still full of inspiration from the experience!"

Dylan Librande
Gemma Peacocke
“I envy the people who are applying for the first time! Go with your eyes and your heart wide open and tropical strength DEET distributed evenly over your skin. It’s going to change your life.
I loved every moment of Composing in the Wilderness. I loved the great group of composers and performers involved, the unearthly beauty of Denali, being taught to understand the extraordinary magic of lichen, the weird half light at midnight, and a glimpse of the poetry of the place. Steve and the NPS scientists are wonderful teachers and humans and you will probably see bears and a moose or two.”

Paul Safar
"Participating in CITW 2016 was both reaffirming and eye opening. It helped me realize that a whole network of composers exists around the globe who feel compelled to write music inspired by place. Steve had a very thoughtful and well organized "field seminar" in place with a cadre of wonderful and interesting people working with him. Best of all, we got a good taste of Denali National Park, a supremely beautiful and important place that continues to need awareness for it's long term conservation. Part of that awareness can be found in writing music connected to the wilderness. I highly recommend this stimulating, enlightening and fun program!"

Elizabeth Start
"As an independent composer, I do not have as much contact with other composers, especially of different generations, as I would like to. In CitW, I interacted with composers of different ages and aesthetics. The experience of being in the wilds at Denali and Yukon-Charlie Preserve was awesome, of course, and has left a lasting impression. The sharing of that experience with other composers was very valuable as well, and the program was run in a manner that allowed me to lose myself in it entirely."

Cassie To
"The experience almost seems like it was too extraordinary to have happened"

Alondra Vega-Zaldivar

Shelley Washington

Sam Young